If you have recently been in an automobile accident, then you have a lot to deal with concerning your health, safety, insurance and the vehicle itself. The last thing you want to have to worry about is dealing with maintenance issues or having to be concerned with whether or not all the parts and pant look exactly how they did before.
With 1st Class European Authorized Coachworks, you won’t have to wonder whether or not anyone will notice the fact that you’ve been in a wreck—because they won’t. Here’s a quick overview of the 1st Class car painting procedure so you get a better understanding of how 1st Class sets themselves apart from the rest.
A great paint job starts with the right technology. That’s why 1st Class uses the newest waterborne technology from Spies Hecker, which is a premium refinishing system used in Europe.
The next step is making sure the paint that is to be used is the exact color of the one that was used on the factory floor. 1st Class will obtain the paint code from the vehicle and then takes that one step further—by using an extensive library and database that has an elite color spectrometer, mixing to make any color match is no problem at all.
Before any paint or color is added to the vehicle, a color variance is mixed to produce a spray out panel for accurate and quick color matching. Other body shops have a hard time mixing and making the color line up, but 1st Class will get it right.
When you need the best painting procedure done to your luxury automobile, then you need 1st Class Auto, where the method and process make all the difference.